
imperia offers two options to send emails:

  1. only internally, to other imperia users or
  2. to external addresses.

Internal Mail System#

You can access the internal mail system simply by clicking in the title bar on the icon . Also, the number of unread emails are displayed there. The internal mail system is installed by default.

Use the internal mail system to send and receive e-mails to, resp. from, other imperia users within your system.
This option is not an e-mail client, so you can neither send e-mails to external addresses ( nor receive external e-mails.

You will also find a mail notification for new mails, where you can see the information about the date, sender and subject at a glance.

Also, you get notified via the internal mail system when you have been assigned to a document.

Reading a Mail#

imperia mailbox

  • The mailbox displays all messages in a table format.
  • Subject, date, and sender are displayed for each e-mail message.
  • For new or unread messages, an arrow appears as a mail notification in front of the mail subject.

There are different possibilities to open a mail:

  • From the mail notification you can then open the mail directly by clicking the mail subject. When the mailbox is open, click on its subject or sender.
    Use the Back button to return to your mailbox.
  • In the menu bar of imperia you find the mail icon that opens the mailbox, too.
  • You can open the mailbox by clicking Account -> Messages.

Composing a Mail#

  1. If you want to send a new message, in your mailbox, in the upper right corner click Compose mail.
    The Compose mail dialog opens.
    imperia mailbox
  2. In this dialog enter the subject and the text (also in two columns possible).
  3. Select the (multiple) recipient(s):

    • Send to all users: Click the check box to send the message to all users in the imperia system. You won't receive this e-mail message.
    • You can also select recipients from the user list. Click into the textfield and a drop down menu appears, here you can choose multiple recipients or write the name of the recipient in the textfield, directly.
    • Finally, you can notify users from a certain group. Write the group name into the textfield or choose the desired roles from the drop down menu.
  4. Send the message by clicking Send mail.

The mail is sent directly. A short notification will be displayed in imperia.

Deleting a Mail#

To delete a mail in the mailbox, click on on the right.

Notification "Assigned document"#

When you have been assigned to a document, you receive a notification in your internal mail system, see following figure:

notification assigned doc

When you open the mail, you will a find a link to the preview of the document as well as a link to the document on the desktop:

notification content

When clicking on the link to the desktop, you will be directed to the desktop that only shows the assigned document, as the desktop is filtered by the document's node ID, see following figure:

notification content

By clicking you will remove the filter and all documents will be shown again.

External Mail System#

The external mail system is integrated in a workflow.
There, the workflow plugin Mail is used to send emails to external recipients as well as to internal (imperia) users.
The plugin will automatically send the emails, if it is triggered by an event in the workflow.