The Desktop and its functions#
The Desktop is a key control element of imperia. It displays in form of a table all the tasks relating to documents along with various functions for editing and manipulating them. For example you can start the following processes from the Desktop:
The Desktop provides an overview of all documents that you are allowed to edit or view with your current group. All functions belonging to the defined workflow - and depending on your group permissions - are initiated in different columns via the links and/or buttons, e.g.:
execute a current workflow step
finish a current workflow step
check out a document
delete a document from the Desktop
view the document history and add to it
Changing meta information from the Desktop (this will trigger a reload, so that modifications are visible immediately)
You get an overview of all columns and functions in the section Desktop Columns.
Desktop and Workflows
When your work on a document within a workflow step is finished, this workflow step is completed. Then the document appears on the Desktops of all users who are allowed to edit it in its next workflow step and have access to its category.
When you finish a workflow step, the newly edited document can disappear from your Desktop, because your current group does not have permission to edit the document in its next workflow step.
A copy of the defined workflow is assigned to each new document. Changes in the workflow do not affect previously created documents. When a document is imported from the Archive, the workflow which is valid at this moment is assigned to it, not the workflow used for its creation.
How to execute the Workflow steps is described in Working with the Desktop.
Desktop Filters
While a document is in the workflow, various information is stored and displayed on the Desktop. This information can also be filtered and stored.
Desktop Views
All information available about a document will be displayed in a table. What information and how it will be displayed, depends on the selected Desktop configuration.
You can generate multiple Desktop configurations and switch between them if needed (see also Changing the Desktop View). In that way different configurations can be set to display completely different information about the same documents.
Desktop Views#
imperia has four standard configurations which offer different views. imperia system administators are also able to create and provide Desktop Views system-wide.
Each user can individually customize the configuration of their Desktop according to their needs and save these configurations. Since imperia 9, the Desktop can be configured with Drag&Drop.
The different views of a Desktop differ by displaying or hiding different columns and, therefore, different functions regarding the documents.
The Desktop's header includes all columns available in the current configuration. For the most compact Desktop view, multiple column headings can be displayed in one column of the header, one below the other. Then, the information is displayed accordingly for each document.
The available columns with their functions are as follows:
Column name | description |
Title + | Contains the most important Desktop functions in one column (in form of links). The functions appear when hovering over the title. This column is useful, when you wish a Desktop with only few columns. |
More | Contain also various functions in one column (but less then Title+). |
Bottom | Contains a link that takes you to the bottom of a Desktop page (see also column Top). |
Category | Contains the name of the category a document belongs to. |
Category Description | Displays the category description, contained in the Description field of the Category Manager. |
Current Step | Contains a button to execute the current workflow step. |
Created | Contains the date on which a document was created. |
Filename | Contains the filename which will be given to a finished document. |
Debugger | Opens the Debugger-Tool to examine the rendering of the document in every step of the template-chain. |
Delete | Contains a link to delete the respective document from the Desktop and thus remove it from the workflow. This does not affect any document versions in the Archive and/or on a target system. |
Delete (+Changes) | Contains a link to delete the respective document from the Desktop and thus removes it from the workflow. This also deletes the document versions in the Archive. |
Differences | Opens the Diff-Tool of the archive to examine differences between document versions. |
Directory | Contains the directory where a document is stored, starting from the document root. |
Expiry date | Shows a document's expiry date. |
Grid | Displays the icon of the current workflow step. By clicking this icon you execute the current workflow-step as in the function "Current Step". This icon is the same as the icon of the plugins used in the Grid (the module for creating and maintaining workflow). |
History | Contains a link to open the document history. |
imperia | Contains a link to imperia's home page. |
Last editor | Contains the name of the user who last edited a document. |
Link Checker | Contains a link to the LinkCheck that verifies all links in a document. |
Locks | This column displays existing locks set on a document and a link for removing locks. |
Modified | Contains the date on which a document was last modified. |
Meta file | Displays the name of the used meta file. |
Meta view | Contains a link that opens the meta viewer (see Meta Viewer). |
Multiple action | Contains the available actions when the current workflow step has more than one exits (e.g. Approve). |
Next step | Contains a link to move a document to its next workflow step. |
NodeID | Contains the internal NodeID of a document. |
Publish date | Contains the date on which a document will be automatically published. |
Server Version | Opens the version of the document in its current state on the server. |
Template | Displays the name of the template used for the current document. |
Title | Displays a document's title. |
Top | Contains a link that takes you to the top of a Desktop page (see also column Bottom). |
UID | Contains the user ID of the user who last edited a document. |
URL | Contains a document's path. |
User ID | Shows the user ID of the user editing a document. |
User | Displays the name of the user who created a document. |
Workflow | Contains a link to open the Workflow Manager where you can execute workflow steps. |
WorkFlow-Step | Displays the workflow step the document is currently in. |
Changing Views#
The Views list is located on the upper right corner, see figure below.
To switch between Views, select the desired one from the drop down list.
The Desktop will be updated automatically.
Creating New Desktop View#
As described in the introduction above, a Desktop is a table with columns containing document functions.
You can create new Desktop Views on basis of already configured views to your desire. To do so, follow these steps:
- Open the Desktop under Documents->Desktop. In the upper right corner there is a drop down menu where you will find different Views as well as the button Manage Views:
- Click the option Manage Views. The dialog page Desktop View Manager opens:
- On the left side you see a list of both the imperia standard views as well as your configured ones.
- In order to select another view on which basis you want to design your new view, click on the desired view from the list. This will lead you directly to the page View Management, see next step. Otherwise the current view will be the basis for your new one.
Click in the upper right corner the button NEW VIEW. The page View Management opens, where you can change the selected View:
- Current View: Here you are shown which view was selected as a basis.
- View name: Enter the name of the new configuration. Make sure that it is an unique name.
- Add new column: Here you add the desired columns that will be shown within the new View.
- Now you can change the order of the columns:
- Use the arrows or Drag&Drop to change the sequence or even merge multiple columns into one.
- To delete the columns, use the Trash icon.
- Custom CSS: Here you have the possibility to define your custom CSS rules.
Filter settings:
- Here you can prefilter the desktop, i.e. only documents will be shown on the desktop that meet the conditions defined here.
- These option is optional as the filter functions are always available in the Desktop View, see section Desktop Filter.
- In case you want to define filter(s):1. Select the column to be used as filter.2. In the displayed fields below enter the criteria, use the
conditions to combine multiple filters, or negate filter in order to hide documents that correspond with the filter.
After finishing your settings, click Save in order to save the View and close the dialog.
The configuration is stored and is available only to your profile. You are taken back to the Desktop with the new view.
Editing or Deleting a View#
You can edit or delete only configurations that you have created.
Edit Desktop View
Proceed as described under Creating New Desktop View.
Delete Desktop View
Standard configurations ("Classic", "Compact", "Default" und "Detail") cannot be deleted.
- Open the page Desktop View Manager as described above.
- Next to the custom Views you will find the Delete icon.
- Click the icon and confirm the permanent deletion in the appearing dialog window.
Desktop Filter#
Filters are part of every Desktop View and allow filtering existing documents by given attributes.
You can combine the filters
- As described in Creating New Desktop View you can also prefilter a Desktop view during the configuration.
- In the upper left corner of every Desktop View you find the filter All and My documents (in form of links, see figure below). The numbers in brackets show how many documents are currently on the Desktop and, if selected, how many of them meet the filter criteria.
- Search field "Search the desktop" is also available in every Desktop View. There you can enter your own criteria for filtering the documents.
Filter by Columns: Every filter corresponds with a column in the Desktop.
Those filters only appear with the columns added to the Deskop.
- Example:
- The activated filter "Metaedit" will only show documents that are currently in this workflow step.
- When a filter is activated, the frame of the field turns orange, see figure above.
- You reset the filter by clicking on in the field.
In the following the other filters are described (the available filers depend on the selected Desktop View and the added columns):
* **Current Step**: Here you can filter by all current workflow steps of the documents, in the example above "Meta-Edit". * **Assignee**: Here you can filter by the author who has been assigned to the document. * **Category**: Here you can filter by all categories of the documents that are currently on your Desktop. * **User**: Here you can filter by the user who has created the document. * **Next step**: Here you can filter by all upcoming workflow steps of the documents.
- Example:
Working with the Desktop#
In the following, all functions that can be executed from your Desktop are described below. Depending on your current groups, some functions may not be available to you or may be limited. If in doubt, contact your system administrator.
Each document passes through all workflow steps defined in its workflow. A document displayed on your Desktop, is also in a workflow step. You can start the next workflow step with a mouse click. For more information read the introduction of this manual.
Executing the Next Workflow Step#
The following function is also available in the column Title +.
To execute the next workflow step of a document, follow these steps:
- On your Desktop, click in the Current step column in the row of the desired document. The current workflow step is started. If the step is interactive, the appropriate input mask opens.
- Perform all necessary operations and save your entries, resp. changes. Depending on the current workflow step, either the next workflow step is executed (e.g. Edit) or you are taken back to the Desktop.
- Execute the current workflow step as many times as you wish until all tasks have been completed.
- When you finish a workflow step, you move a document to its next workflow step. Therefore, you should finish a workflow step only when all tasks have been completed. On your Desktop, click in the column Next step in the row of the desired document to finish the current workflow step.
The current workflow step is finished. Depending on your current group, the document may disappear from your Desktop.
Already finished workflow steps which you are allowed to edit, can be executed again, see next section.
Repeating a Finished Workflow Step#
The following function is also available in the column Title +.
When you repeat an already finished workflow step, the document is reset to this point in the workflow and passes through all next steps again.
To repeat an already finished workflow step, follow these steps:
On your Desktop, click in the Workflow column on the link (you might need to add the column first). The Workflow Manager opens:
This dialog shows the following information about the current document:
Title: The current document's title.
URL: Displays the URL of the selected document. If you click the URL, the document opens in a new window.
Current workflow step: Contains the current workflow step. It is executed by clicking this entry.
Next step: Contains the next workflow step. You finish the current workflow step by clicking this entry.
Back to the previous workflow steps: Displays all previous workflow steps. You can return to any of them by simply clicking on it.
Document preview: You can see a preview of a document if you click on the Document Preview. The preview opens in the same window.
Document Preview#
While editing, you can see a document in a preview mode. You can execute the same function from the Desktop.
To view a document from the Desktop, do the following:
- On your Desktop, click the displayed path in the URL column (you might need to add the column first).
- In the new preview window you can use the same options as in Preview Documents.
- Close the window displaying the document.
Document History#
A history is maintained for each document. All states of a document, as well as the actions performed on it, are stored there. Archive entries are created for the following operations:
- creating/editing/approving a document
- editing meta information
- deleting from workflow/target system
- importing from the archive
In addition, each user, editing a document, can add entries to the history in order to give hints to other users or leave comments.
- In order to see the history of a documents, click in the column History of the desired document (you might need to add the column first).
All entries are displayed in the Document History dialog:
You have following options in this dialog:
- Add a history entry: In the empty field you can enter any text.
- If you want it to send to other impperia users, select the checkbox, see above, and fill out the fields.
- An already given history entry contains following information:
- Date: The date an entry was made.
- User: The name of the user who added an entry.
- Text: The text entered by a user or automatically added by the system.
- Click OK to save the History entry and send the mail, if checked. Afterwards, you will be redirected to the Desktop.
- Click Desktop, to exit without saving.
Deleting a Document#
Please note that there are two different functions Discard (changes) and Discard all changes.
- Discard (changes): The document is deleted only from the Desktop, i.e. the current workflow step of the document will be discarded. Already published and/or archived versions remain.
- Discard all changes: The latter one discards the latest changes as well as the associated objects of the document.
To delete a document, your current group should have the permission to execute the following two actions:
Deleting in the current workflow step, which is inherited from the category by default
Deleting documents in the corresponding category
The following steps are also valid for Discard all changes:
- Choose the documents to be discarded:
- click in the column Discard of the desired document or - depending on following columns you have added (only for Discard) - hover over the column Title + of the desired document or click in the column More to open the sub menu.
- you can also select more than one document by activating the checkboxes in the first column № (the button is only shown, when the column Discard has been added).
- In the columns, click Discard orclick the button Discard changes at the bottom of the Desktop, if you have selected the checkbox(es).
- The document history dialog opens, where you can optionally add an entry.
- At the bottom of the dialog, click OK to discard the document.
Link Checker#
The Link Checker is used to verify internal as well as external links within documents.
On the desktops you find the function Link Checker:
- in the Link Checker column (you might need to add the column first),
- in the sub menu of the column More;
- as a button Link Check Documents at the bottom of Desktop (provided that the Column has been added), when selecting documents by the checkboxes.
When starting the Link Checker following dialog opens:
Internal as well as external links are checked.
- internal refers to links to other documents within your website as well as media, such as images, PDF documents, audio files, etc.
external refers to links pointing to other web sites (
External links can only be checked, if the link checker has been enabled in the General Settings.
The status on the right side shows you if the links are correct.
- You can generate a preview of the current document/page by clicking Preview in the right upper corner.
- You refresh the internal and/or external Link Check by clicking Check.
Performing Multiple Actions#
Using the Multiple Action function, you can execute workflow steps for multiple documents simultaneously.
Prerequisite is to add the column Mulitple Action to your Desktop. This column displays the upcoming workflow steps of each document, e.g. Meta Edit, Finish, Upload Asset, Multilingual.
When adding the column, also the button Execute action on documents by the end of the page will be added; the following picture shows the Desktop with enabled function:
In order to execute multi actions, i.e. iniate the next workflow steps of documents at the same time, proceed as follows:
- Select the documents you want to perform a multiple action to by activating their checkboxes in the № column
Click the button Execute action on documents.
This button is visible only when you have added the Multi Action column to your Desktop.
Subsequently, the system executes the respective action for the selected documents, and displays a report. If the next workflow step of a document requires user interaction, you can go to it directly from the multi action report.
A special case is the workflow step Approval that contains a select field, see figure above, provided that you have the permission to approve. Select whether to Approve or Reject a document, and then execute the multiple action. Approved and rejected documents are then automatically moved to the next step in their workflow.
Document Locks#
imperia makes sure that only one user can work on a document at a given time. Thus, the changes made by one user will not be overwritten by the changes made by another user. For this purpose, the document is automatically locked while it is edited by a user.
However, if the editor is inactive for a longer time, the document would remain locked and would then be useless because the information it contains would probably be lost. In this case, a permanent document lock would be fatal.To avoid this, imperia allows you to remove document locks, see Resolving Conflicts.
The document lock is displayed on the Desktop of all authorized users in the Lock column (you might need to add the column first).
Locking a Document#
To lock a document, proceed as follows:
- On your Desktop, in the Locks column click the Check out link of the desired document.
The Document Check-out/Check-in dialog opens:
- Click the Check out button.
The document is now locked. The lock is displayed to all authorized users in the column Locks that now contains the name of the user, who locked the document as well as the time of the lock:
Removing Your Own Lock#
To remove your own lock, i.e. check in in the document, proceed as follows:
On your Desktop, in the Locks column click on the user/time stamp, see figure above. Following dialog opens:
The following information is displayed in this dialog:
- Lock Holder: This column contains the name of the user, who holds the lock to a document.
- Lock Type: This column contains the lock type.
- Time stamp: This column contains the date and time of the lock.
- Action: Select the action in this column.
In the dialog click the Check in button.
The lock is removed, and the document can be edited by all authorized users again.
Resolving Conflicts#
A conflict arises when a user ignores another user's lock. Ignoring locks should be avoided or at least only when absolute necessary; then, it is recommended to document the reasons.
Scenario 1: Users who want to edit a locked document
If you are attempting to open a document locked by another user, you receive a notification in the Locking Conflicts dialog, see following figure.
There, you can select what to do next from the following options, and additionally, indicate it in the document history:
Following options are available:
Go back where you came fromSelect this option, and you will be taken back to the Desktop. Then you can edit a different document.
View the document historyThis alternative allows you to check in the document history who is editing the document at the time and whether this user has left a comment.
Remove one or more locks (will be logged)By this option you remove the document lock and are taken to the dialog Overriding Document Locks.
Ignore the lock (will be logged)A conflict arises when you select this option. The existing lock is removed and you can edit the document. At the same time, an entry is written in the document history and the user who locked the document, receives a notification, see next scenario.
Scenario 2: Users whose lock has been ignored:
When there is a conflict because of an ignored lock, the user who put a lock on a document, is informed via the notification:
This dialog shows you the user who has ignored your lock, and when he or she did it. Then you can select your next step from various options:
View the document historyThe user who has ignored your lock can leave an explanation here. In any case, the ignore is logged.
return to your Desktop and discard your changesThis option means that the user who has ignored your lock, can finish his or her work on the document. After they finish, the document will be published, and you can see the changes made and eventually add your own.
Ignore the conflict and proceed anyhowThis option discards the existing lock of the other user, and you can edit the document. Once the other user wants to save their work, the Sad news dialog opens.
Overriding Document Locks#
A lock occurs, when another user has locked a document. Removing locks should be avoided.
To remove a document lock, proceed as follows:
On your Desktop, click the link in the Locks column that is highlighted with red color:
The Lock Document dialog opens:
Please note that by clicking on Check out a conflict also arises.
In the Action column, click the Remove button. A report of the overriden document opens:
The document lock is now removed. The process of removing a document lock is complete and you can lock the document under your profile again. The user who has locked the document will receive a notification if he or she processes the document further, see scenario 2 in Resolving Conflicts.
Sorting Documents#
Some column titles are sortable. If none of these icons appear after a column title, sorting by this column is not active.
To sort after a column, proceed as follows:
- Click on a column title.You will enable the sorting for this column, and document list will be sorted in ascending order. The sort order is displayed with the following icon
, located next to the column title.
- If you click this icon, that will change the sort order to descending, and the following icon
will appear.
Assigning Documents#
On the Desktop, you have the possibility to assign documents to other users (with read permissions on the document) or to your own user profile. This function is also available as a workflow plug-in, see the Admin manual.
Proceed as follows:
- Click in the column User on the link not assigned or on the name of the editor (you might need to add the column first). The page Assign Document opens:
- By clicking the drop down menu you can select another assignee or by clicking on the link Assign to me you assign the document to your own profile.
You can optionally add a history entry to indicate the reason for the assigning and also send it by email to users (select the checkbox first).
The user who got assigned to the document will always receive a mail with a notification of the newly assigned document. By sending an email, you are able to add a text to the notification.
Click OK to finally assign the document to the selected user.
The user will get a notification via the internal mail system when assigned to a document.
Approving Documents#
While a document passes through a workflow, there are some steps that can be used to check the status of this document and approve it. Often this is the last step before a document leaves its workflow. Then, only groups, that have the appropriate permissions, can access these approval steps.
The decision of the approving user determines the further path of the document through its workflow:
- If the user approves the document, it is passed to the next workflow step, for example it is automatically published.
- If the user does not approve the document, it is returned to the editing step of the workflow or sent to the recycle bin. What happens to a document when it is not approved, depends on the workflow steps provided for this case.
Once a document reaches an approval step in its workflow and an authorized user edits this step, the following dialog appears:
In this dialog, select what to do with the respective document:
When you use this button, the document is approved and moved to the next workflow step. In the dialog shown above, this is the Finish step.
When you use this button, the document is moved to the workflow step which is provided in case the document is rejected. In the above shown dialog, this is the Edit step.
This button opens a preview with the current document status.
Whit this button the document is transferred to an already finished workflow step. When you use this button, the Workflow Manager opens where you can select an already finished workflow step (see Repeating a Finished Workflow Step).
Use this button to delete the document. The Document History dialog opens, where you can add a history entry for the deleted document.
Meta Viewer#
The meta viewer is used mainly for debugging in the develop phase of a project. With its help you can view and modify without limitations all existing meta data of a document. You can also add new meta fields and change the values of existing ones.
Only if you have the permissions, you are able to change meta information and add new meta fields. See the Admin manual for more information.
The meta viewer is activated in the Meta View column via the View link, and it opens in a new window.
- All the existing meta information about a document is displayed in tables, sorted in alphabetical order, in this window.
- For each meta variable, there is a row in the table, which has a Meta field column with the meta variable's name and a Values column with the values of this meta variable.
- In case you are enabled to change existing or add new values, the meta information are displayed in editable text fields.