In this chapter you will find information about imperia's Dashboard. The Dashboard is the homepage you are redirected to after login.
The Dashboard with the included widgets can be customized to a user's needs. Widgets are small windows that give overviews over, for example, documents to published/ending soon, News or contain short cuts to menus, etc.
It is also possible to create more than one Dashboard per user, so the working environment is optimally adapted to different requirements. Administrators - users of the Superuser group - can create default Dashboards and assign them to a certain group.
Creating a New Dashboard#
To create a new (blank) Dashboard, proceed as follows:
- In the title bar, click the settings symbol .
- In the Drop-Down-Menu, click on Manage Dashboards. A dialog window opens.
- In the open dialog, click Create new Dashboard. A new dialog DASHBOARD SETUP opens.
- There, you can enter a name and choose one of the following layouts (the selection of layout templates depends on user permissions).
There are two variants of dashboard layouts:
- Predefined dashboardstemplates that already contain widgets.
- Blank dashboard layoutblank dashboard-layouts where you can place the widgets freely at a later stage, see Adding a new Widget.
- Save your settings.
The new dashboard will be directly adapted. This also changes automatically the name of the browser window, in which imperia is currently running, and you are also able to bookmark it.
Editing an Existing Dashboard#
This function is used primarly to assign a dashboard to certain groups.To edit an existing Dashboard, proceed as follows:
- In the title, open it by clicking bar on the settings symbol and then on Manage Dashboards.
- Open the desired dashboard from the list by clicking on .The currently used one is highlighted in red. A new dialog opens. This dialog differs from the DASHBOARD SETUP dialog only by the added section Group assignment.
- Click on the section Group assignment in order to assign a group, . A new field opens.
- In this field, select the desired groups who should have access to the dashboard.
- Furthermore, you can also change name and layout of the dashboard.
- Save your settings.
Deleting a Dashboard#
- To delete an existing Dashboard, open it by clicking in the title bar on the settings symbol and then on Manage Dashboards.
- Delete the desired dashboard from the list by clicking on .
- In the next dialog, if you confirm with OK, the selected Dashboard with all configured widgets will be deleted permanently.
Adding a New Widget#
You can add widgets to existing dashboards at any time.
- Click on the settings symbol in the title bar.
- In the Drop-down-Menu, click on Add Widget. A list with all available widgets appears. In the section Available Widgets you find an overview with descriptions.
- By selecting a widget, it will be always added at the top of the first column (depending on the selected layout). You can add as many widgets as you wish and move them to the desired location later, see next section.
Moving a Widget
Widgets can be dragged and dropped onto the desired place.
In addition to the columns of the selected dashboard layout, you will always find an empty space above all columns across the entire length of the Dashboard. There, you can add widgets that require more space.
Widgets' General Functions#
All following functions are placed in the widget's header:
Remove widget from dashboard#
This function is used to remove an inserted widget from the dashboard:
- In the header of the widget, click .
- In the drop-down-menu select Remove.
Some widgets, which content changes frequently, have the option Reload , so you can reload the content manually when needed.
For these widgets, it is often possible to set a reload time for automatic reload, see widget Resubmits.
The Edit function is used for configuring a widget.
- To access the function, click in the widget's header .
- In the drop-down-menu, click Edit. The configuration fields open according to the widget.
- Make sure to Save changes in the configuration.
Minimize and Restore#
By the function Minimize you toggle the widget so only it's header will be displayed.
By the function Restore, whish appears in Minimize mode, you re-open the widget in full.
To access the function, proceed as follows:
- In the widget's header click .
- In the drop-down-menu, click Minimize or Restore.
If a widget is maximized, it appears as a modal dialog in a fullscreen size.
When maximizing a widget, it is automatically reloaded, and the function Reload is no longer available.
To access the function, proceed as follows:
- In the widget's header, click .
- You can exit the Maximize mode by clicking in the widget's header on or clicking outside of the dialog box.
If you choose the Fullscreen mode of a widget, the widget is loaded in a separate page. In this mode, a widget can be reconfigured separately from the general view. Also, you can bookmark the page (in the browser).
In contrast to the Maximize mode, this fullscreen configuration of a widget is stored in the user data, and is applied when the same widget is maximized again. As the configuration in fullscreen mode is separate from the configuration in the normal Dashboard mode, these settings do not affect the widget's dashboard view.
To apply the function, proceed as follows:
- In the widget's header, click .
- Click on Fullscreen.
- You can exit the Fullscreen mode by clicking in the widget's header on and, then, on Close.
Available widgets#
In the following you will find a list with all available widgets for your dashboard.
In Widgets' General Functions you find the descriptions on how to open the configuration for editing, changing the size, etc.
Display of up to several clocks. The clock's name and offset from GMT can be set in the configuration.
- By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
Button Add clock adds a second clock in the same widget.
- Name: Enter a name for the clock.
- Local time: You can set the GMT offset in hours for each clock.
- Type: The clocks can be displayed analog or digital.
Save your settings.
Documents to Publish#
This widget displays the documents that are to be autopublished. The list is sorted so that the documents that are next in line for autopublish come at the top.
By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
The number of documents displayed in the widget can be set in the Number of documents (rows) field. If more documents meet the mentioned criteria, a MORE(n) button is displayed. If you click on the link, all documents that meet the mentioned criteria appear.
You may also choose to display only documents created by you, by selecting the checkbox Only display documents created by me.
Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
This widget contains a list of documents that are about to expire. The list is sorted so that the documents with the earliest expiration dates are at the top.
In the widget's header, click and then on Edit:
- By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
- The number of documents displayed in the widget can be set in the Number of documents (rows) field.If more documents meet the mentioned criteria, a MORE(n) button is displayed. If you click on the link, all documents that meet the mentioned criteria appear.
- Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
- Save your settings.
Hermes Status#
This widget displays the operating status of site_hermes.pl
- Type describes, for what kind of system the Hermes is currently working for.
- System-ID is the identifier for one particular system, while URL is the path under which the system is reachable.
- Site Directory tells the user in which directory the system is installed.
- Document Root is the root folder for the documents.
Finally, Hermes-Status shows, if the Hermes is active or not. Read the chapter Target Systems in the admin's manual.If you do not see a switch as seen in the graphic above you have to switch on monitoring for the hermes service:
- To do so, you have to open the menu System->Target Systems.
- In the following dialogue/list, you can select the target system you want to monitor in the hermes widget by clicking on it.
- In the following edit window, you can find a checkbox with the label Monitor remote hermes.
- If you activate this checkbox and save your changes you can go back to the dashboard to use the switch in the hermes widget.
It is also possible to add several Hermes-Status widgets for different systems. To do this, you simply have to add another Hermes-Status widget and use the edit-mode of the widget to choose another system.
By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
In System, choose the system of which you want the Hermes status to be displayed.
Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
- Save your settings.
Imperia News#
This widget shows current news about priobase imperia GmbH and provides links to the News,
There are no configuration options available for imperia news.
Imperia Release News#
Shows current information on release news.
No configuration options are available for imperia release news.
Last Published Documents#
The Last published documents widget shows a list of the last published documents.
By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
The number of documents displayed in the widget can be set in the Number of documents (rows) field.The number of documents can be restricted in the configuration. If more documents meet the mentioned criteria, a MORE(n) button is displayed. If you click on the link, all documents that meet the mentioned criteria appear.
By making a selection in Choose a target system, you choose which target system's documents to display.
By making a selection in List documents by, you choose how to list the documents (by Category or URI).
Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
Save your settings.
This widget displays the last n lines of a log file.
In the widget's header, click and then on Edit:
In the Filename selection, you can choose which log files to be displayed (access.log/hermes.log/error.log).
Fullscreen lines is used to set the number of displayed rows in fullscreen mode of the widget. The default value is
. -
Lines is used to set the number of displayed rows. The default value is
. -
Font Size: You can specify a numeric value followed by the measurement unit for the font size. For example, 10pt or 0,9 em. The default value is
(10px). -
Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
Save your settings.
This widget displays one of imperia's menus.
In the widget's header, click and then on Edit:
- Title: You can set the name that is displayed in the widget's header.
- Main menu: Choose the (main) menu to be displayed (main menu/Documents/Structure/System/Account).
Check box Hide elements without links: If you activate this check box, only menu with direct links (and not with sub menus) will be displayed. By this, you ensure a direct linking within this widget.
Save your settings.
My Documents#
Documents that you have edited (and have write access to) are displayed in My Documents widget. Also, you can see documents that have reached a stage you have write access to.
Furthermore, this list contains documents that have been automatically imported (for example, by the system service), so they can be imported, escalated or followed-up.
The list is sorted so that the most recently edited documents appear on top.
In the widget's header, click and then on Edit:
- By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
- The number of documents displayed in the widget can be restricted. If more documents meet the mentioned criteria, a MORE(n) button is displayed. If you click on the link, all documents that meet the mentioned criteria appear.
- Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
- Save your settings.
A sticky note where you can save your notes.
No configuration options are available for the widget Note.
The Resubmits widget contains a list of documents that are about to be resubmitted. The list is sorted so that the documents that are next in line for resubmission come at the top.
In the widget's header, click and then on Edit:
By filling in the Title field, you set the header's title.
The number of documents displayed in the widget can be set in the Number of documents (rows) field.If more documents meet the mentioned criteria, a MORE(n) button is displayed. If you click on the link, all documents that meet the mentioned criteria appear.
Refresh interval defines whether and how often the widget should be automatically reloaded.
Save your settings.