Here you find a glossray with short descriptions to terms of this documentation and in imperia CMS.
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In a Staging architecture content is first edited on the develop system and then publihed on a target system. This process is normally done by the editors.
Acronym for Full Text Search. In the imperia, this represents the search engine, which supports full text search and other user-defined search queries.
Often short for live system oder live server.
Live server#
In a staging environment, a live server is a server dedicated to the intended audience of the site as opposed to the staging server. Synonyms are production server or target system.
Live system#
Synonym to target system.
A staging content management system allows the production of content in stages.
In imperia content is usually
- edited
- approved and
- reviewed on the staging server before it is published to one or more live servers.
imperia can also operate without staging. In that case there are no live server but only a staging server.
Sometimes, the term staging is used as an abbreviation for staging server.
Staging server#
In a staging environment, content is edited or otherwise produced only on the staging server. After review and approval it is then published to one or more target systen.
See also following figure:
System variable#
System variables are global configuration variables in imperia. System variables are defined in the file system.conf
in the imperia site directory or in a file included by that file. For more detailed information go to Configuration Glossary.
Target System#
In a staging environment, a live server is a server dedicated to the intended audience of the site as opposed to the staging server. Synonyms are production server or target system.
Unix time stamp#
Number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 GMT, also known as seconds since the epoch. Such timestamps have several advantages over broken-down date and time specifications, and are therefore in widespread use in programming languages.
It is trivial to compute differences between two such timestamps, whereas it can be very complicated to compute the difference between two dates like February 1st and April 1st (think of different numbers of days in a month, leap days and seconds, or daylight savings time.
Time zones can be ignored completely for calcuations.
Such timestamps are monotonously increasing, whereas broken-down date and time specifications have gaps and ambiguities. For example the wall-clock time 2:30 typically exists twice on the day, where daylight savings time is applied.