
Creating widgets#

In order to create your own widgets you need at least three files: one for the controller, two for the Views:


In this case, the controller is a widget-plug-in under site/modules/core/Dynamic/Widget.

The easiest way is to copy an existing widget and modify the values, for example the clock-widget:

    package Dynamic::Widget::Clock;
    use strict;

    use base qw(Imperia::Dashboard::Widget);

    use Imperia::Util::String::HTML qw(escape_js);
    use Locale::TextDomain qw(imperia);

    sub name {
    return __ ('Clock')

    sub description {
    return __ ('Configurable clock for different time zones.')

    sub icon {
    return '/imperia/images/icons/white/png/20x18/time.png'

    sub new {
    my ($class, $args) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new($args,
            templates => {
                edit => 'controllers/widget/clock/edit.html',
                widget_content => 'controllers/widget/clock/content.html',
            head_icon => icon(),
            default_parameters => {
                title  => name(),
                disableReload => 'true',

                clock_name_1 => '',
                clock_offset_1 => 0,
                clock_name_2 => '',
                clock_offset_2 => 0,
                clock_name_3 => '',
                clock_offset_3 => 0,
    return $self;



  • For the configuration /site/view/imperia/default/controllers/widget/XY/edit.html\

  • For the output of the content /site/view/imperia/default/controllers/widget/XY/content.html\