
System Architecture#

imperia CMS consists of two systems:

  • develop system and
  • target system(s) (historical synonym: live systems).

Develop system#

The develop system is part of imperia which enables authors to create and edit documents. What document actions can be performed by authors depends mainly on groups and workflows, defined in the develop system.

Target system#

When the work on a document is finished, it is transferred - manually or automatically - from a develop system to one or more target systems.
This process is called publishing. The publishing is done by publish plug-ins which generate different target formats on the target system. If you use the publish plug-in, imperia copies the already rendered documents, stored on a develop system, to the file system of the respective target system.

The target system can automatically generate site maps from these published documents, ensuring that they always give a current overview of the website topics. This is done by the SiteActives, the background daemon Hermes and the notification plug-in. This notification plug-in copies the entire document in binary format to a target system. The background daemon Hermes processes this notification file and stores it on imperia's target system. In addition, the notification file triggers the so called system services, which manage the above mentioned SiteActive functions.


Since its creation in 1995, imperia has become a content management industry standard due to the intensive collaboration with clients and end users. Apart from numerous large scale installations with millions of page impressions per day, imperia has also proven its flexibility and efficiency to medium-sized companies. All imperia modules are defined by the following criteria:

  • They are platform independent.

  • Additional client software is not needed; the actions are performed exclusively in a web browser.

  • All imperia modules' source code is available.

  • Modules are scalable and modular, which makes them easily extensible.

  • The use of individual modules is controlled by user and group privileges.

  • The data is stored in a file system or in a database.