System Configuration Variables

imperia CMS has a variety of options for system configuration. This configuration is done via variables that are stored in files.

The most important variables are automatically set during the installation process. These can be changed via the user interface in the corresponding dialog windows, for example, the settings for the MAM or the configuration of the target system.

In addition to these basic variables, there are a number of other settings that allow you to customize your system to suit your individual requirements.

All configuration files can be edited via the GUI.


If imperia 10 is installed on an existent imperia 9 system, a so-called “compatibility layer” is installed. This compatibility layer interprets some of the system.conf variables that no longer exist in imperia 10. Thus, among other things, project scripts continue to operate. In a “fresh” imperia 10 system, these variables are no longer available. Please note that the compatibility layer is only equipped with limited functionality in order to facilitate the transition.

The following configuration variables are shown grouped thematically.


Both the parameter name and the value must be enclosed in quotation marks.

ACL Group#


Set this variable to 1 to enable the ACL for flex and slot modules.


Set this variable to 1 to enable the Imperia Release News Widget for roles with appropriate access permissions.

Authentication Group#


imperia's authentication plug-in.


In this variable, the authentication mechanism from AUTH_PLUGIN is saved when the system is in maintenance mode. When the maintenance mode is switched off this value is then written back to the AUTH_PLUGIN variable.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.


If this variable is set, no imperia users will be generated on log-in. In case the variable is not set, the system will continue generating a new user for each external one.

The variable takes effect, if you are using one of the following authentication protocols:

  • LDAP

  • Kerberos

  • Basic


Deactivate the Captchas with IMPBLOG_NOCAPTCHA = 1 in the system-conf.


Caching can be activated by the variable USER_CAT_CACHE.

If you want to use this accelerated search process, add following to System.conf:


This applies also the publish list, MAM and document browser and improves the perfomance for the Desktop, category tree as well as the search within the tree.

Category Group#


Set a template for editing the meta information of categories.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.

The default value is Fallback-Template.


Set the default directory for categories.

The default value is /.


Set the default file name for documents.

The default is index.html.


Setting this variable will simplify the category management dialog. The Edit permissions section is not displayed. Furthermore, the Category ACL tool dialog contains only essential information.


This system configuration variable is used when restructuring categories, that contain “counter” directories. The variable should contain a Perl regular expression, that describes the format of the “counter” directories, that have to be moved along with the documents.

The regular expression is used to match the parent directory where a document currently exists. Examples:

# match directories which names consist of 5 or more digits:

# match only directories which are based on a document's node_id:

# match directories that are in hexadecimal format:


This variable relates to Disable Category Search for given Groups which is to be found in the GUI under Menu -> Structure -> General Settings.


In order for editors to edit meta fields, you have to set the system.conf variable MAYMETAVIEW to selected roles ID, along with the priviliges on the controller /document/meta_view as well as write permissions on the document


"MAYMETAVIEW" = "-3" would mean that additional to the superuser also members of the group with the ID -3 are also allowed to see the meta view.

Date and Time Group#


This variable is used to set the time format of dates that are generated with imperia's calendar widget. You can choose between 12- and 24-hour time format by setting the variable to 12 and 24 respectively.


This variable is used to disable the calendar.


When using the dropdown lists for entering date and time, the grid can be inputted in minutes. This variable is used to set the interval. For example, if 15 is set, the values for minutes available will be: 0, 15, 30, 45.

If a document is already recorded with minutes that don't fit the framework, the value is rounded to the nearest framework value.


If DATE_COMBO_MINUTES_STEP has a value, the JavaScript widget can no longer be used for time settings (hours and minutes).



A drop down boxes is used to enter the year in the calendar widget. By default, the list consists of the current year and 15 years into the future. Using this variable, this could be changed. For example, if the DATE_COMBO_YEARS_LIMIT variable has a value of 2, the list will consist of the current year and the next two years.



By default, date and time in imperia's interface are displayed to match the time zone settings that a user has set in his/her operating system. If this is undesirable, this conversion may be disabled by setting the following in the system.conf:


When imperia starts, the cookie that stores the user's time zone is read first. If this cookie is present, its value is used. If it isn't present or its value is not valid, the time zone of the system is read again and it's stored in a cookie. The server time is defined by the time zone and that is used to calculate the time that will be displayed.

If the value of AUTH_PLUGIN is Password, the JavaScript /imperia/jscript/timezone.js is used to set the timezone.

The set user time is not always applicable, as it can vary more or less. The server time is always used with an offset of the set in the browser time zone.

Usually, the time zone is taken from the browser and it is saved in a user's profile. In rare cases with some browsers, it is not possible to determine the time zone when logging in. In this cases the time zone may be set via the button “time zone”.


Setting this variable to 1 prevents the updating of the meta field __imperia_modified when reimporting.

Desktop Group#


A list of modules for desktop columns. The individual elements are separated by semicolons. Modules must be stored in a directory under site/modules/core.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.

For the values use a semicolon separated list with the package names of the Perl modules that include the columns' definition. Modules must be stored under site/modules/core.

Example: * "DESKTOP_COLUMN_MODULES" = "Imperia::Desktop::myDefaultColumns;mycols::mySpecialColumns". * in this example, two modules are included in the system. * the associated files are to be found under site/modules/core/Imperia/Desktop/ and site/modules/core/mycols/


A list of modules for desktop configuration. The individual elements are separated by semicolons.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.

In this variable you store the Package names of the Perl modules including your Desktop Views. Modules must be stored in a directory under site/modules/core and the names must be separated by semicolons

Example: To store the modules site/modules/core/Imperia/Desktop/ and site/modules/core/mycols/, set following:

"DESKTOP_CONFIG_MODULES" = "Imperia::Desktop::myDefaultConfig;myconf::mySpecialConfig"

Display Group#


If this variable has the value 1, the system will display a confirmation dialog before deleting an empty category.

IBS_PAGE Variable#

Set this variable to a value >= 0 to enable pagination in the archive. The value indicates how many documents should appear on a page in the archive. The display of categories and document versions in the archive does not affect this variable.

LATCHING Variable#

Use this variable to turn on “latching” of documents in edit mode. Then an additional button, with which content can be saved without leaving the workflow step, appears in the controls in the edit step of a document.

Latching can also be set in the Edit plug-in in the workflow. There are three options:

  • With the default setting, the setting value is taken from the system configuration.

  • If latching is set to disable, the button is hidden, even if the system configuration is set differently.

  • If the value is set to latching, the button is shown, even if the system configuration is set differently.


Use this variable to specify the height of all MAM windows. The value is numeric and is implemented as height in pixels.


Use this variable to specify the width of all MAM windows. The value is numeric and is implemented as a width in pixels.

Document Browser Group#


Activate alphanumeric sorting of the category tree in the document browser by setting this variable to 1.

Document Storage Plug-in Group#


Set a directory where the File65 plug-in documents will be stored.

The default value is SITE-DIR/documents.


If you are using a SQL data storage and do not want your imperia to store the binary asset data in the database, set this variable to the value File65.

File Transfer Group#


This variable is needed on Linux systems with more recent kernel versions if file transfer via Secure Copy has to be used. Set it to 1, to enable SYSREAD with Secure Copy transfers.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.


Options to be used with SSH connection can be entered through this variable. In order for the shell connections and the imperia connections to be stored in the same way, the option has to be administrated through the .ssh file.

SSH-CLIENT Variable#

The absolute path to the SSH binary file. This is needed if the default value does not apply. The default is ssh.

Flex Modules Group#


This variable controls whether Perl flex modules can be uploaded and edited in imperia.


This variable can be used to specify the default VIEW for a control element (such as a flex module). Example:


If you want to overwrite this behavior for a given category or document, you can use the meta field __imperia_editmode_default_control_view. imperia first checks the document's meta information and then the meta information of the category. In case this meta variable does not exist, or is empty, the value of either the system configuration variable or the base.html view is used.


If this variable is set, all JSON-loaded modules will be loaded as if the loading method was set to AJAX.


If this variable is set, imperia forces AJAX as a default loading method for all control modules and also implicitly sets EDITMODE_CONTROL_INSERT_JSON_AS_AJAX to true.

If you wish to change this behavior for a certain module, set the JS_OPERATIONS parameter to false.



In old installations, should set a system.conf variable "USE_OLD_EDITMODE" that selects the old, that is pre 9.x, behavior.

The new DnD view is now used by default (standard.html), except if the new system.conf var


is set. <comment: i9 betreffend, besser raus?>

Hermes Group#


Setting HERMES_RECONNECT to 1 ensures that on each pass of the Hermes, a new connection to the database is established.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.5.4.


This variable specifies the maximum number of documents that will be released within a loop of the Hermes. The default value is 25.


In some FTP servers the locking mechanism during a file transfer is wrong. This variable can be used to set the seconds, after which the MessageCheck plug-in will pause the file, during the data processing to influence on the error.

History Group#


There are three possible values:

  • COMPLETELY - no history is displayed.

  • 1 - the history is not displayed in the confirmation dialog, but there is a link leading to it.

  • 0 - the history is displayed.

This variable was introduced in imperia 7.5.


If this variable is set to yes, only users with access to the superuser group will be able to see the data entry in the history.

This variable was introduced in imperia 7.5.


With this variable all date entries in the history are hidden from all users, including the superuser.

This variable was introduced in imperia 7.5.

imperia cookie name.

This variable is used to determine the validity (Time To Live) of imperia cookie. The value is numerical and indicates the lifetime of the cookies in seconds. If a user is inactive for a longer period of time than the one set here, his/her session is automatically deleted and s/he must log in again. The default value is 7200 seconds.


This variable controls whether a notification is displayed to users when their session is about to expire. By default, the feature is enabled and a notification will be displayed 5 minutes before the session expiration. The notification window contains a link, that can be used to extend the current session to the value of COOKIE_TTL.

If the value of COOKIE_TTL is less than 300 seconds, no notification will be displayed.

Along with the pop-up window, a sound notification, controlled by the SESSION_EXPIRY_REMINDER_AUDIO variable, is played (see below).


Set this variable, if you wish to have a sound notification when the session is about to expire. By default, the audio is turned on.

I18N Group#


The default locale settings are stored in this variable.

The default value is C.


This variable stores the country code, for example, DE or UK.


This variable stores the selected system language.


This variable stores the locale setting of the system.


This variable stores the user's locale setting.

imperia Develop Session Group#

ADDR_AUTH Variable#

This variable is used to make sure that changing the remote address invalidates the login session. Additionally — if set to PROXY — the remote address is determined by the “forwarded_for” HTTP header. Other possible value is: FIX.

CRYPT_ALGO Variable#

This variable stores the encryption algorithm for the cookies of session management on the production server.


For more information, see Crypt::CBC (3).

The default value is DES_PP.

imperia GUI View Group#


Use this variable if new skins have to be added for imperia's GUI . The values of the variable have to be a pipe-separated list of directories where your own skins are located:

"VIEW_TEMPLATE_DIRS" = "mysite|/etc/imperia/global|imperia/default"

The default templates, located in site/view/imperia/default, can be used as a base for the new ones. Copy them to the new directory and edit them according to your desires.


Do not overwrite the files in site/view/imperia/default.

Initial Settings Group#


The variable IMPVIEW_MINIMIZE_IMPORTS activates CSS and JavaScript files compression and concatenation.

CGI-BIN Variable#


This system configuration variable is only available in the compatibility layer!

This variable contains the URI of the cgi-bin directory on the web server, i.e. the path starting from the document root of your server, for example, '/cgi-bin', '/cgi-shell', '/cgi/perl', etc.

The default value is /cgi-bin.

CGI-DIR Variable#


This system configuration variable is only available in the compatibility layer!

This variable stores the absolute path to the cgi-bin directory of your web server. All imperia CGI scripts are in this directory.

DEMOMODE Variable#

This variable can be used as a backdoor to the system for emergencies. Should you have no access to your system, comment out the respective line in the site/config/system.conf file. You can then log in to the system again and have superuser privileges (each user then logs into the system has superuser privileges). Then a new user can be created. Remove the comment from the line to return to normal operation.

The default value is no.


Set this variable to 1 to disable file locking. This is necessary if the operating system on which imperia is installed does not support this mechanism (e.g. Windows 98).


Specifies the document storage plug-in to be used.

The default value is File65.


Set this variable to 1 to disable the delete function in the archive, document browser and MAM.

With this variable parts of the filesystem that are outside of the document root can be integrated. Use this variable only in urgent cases, as it can potentially make your system vulnerable to attacks.


Please, do not change the imperia version number.


Set this variable to 1 for a separate error log. The file is located under SITE-DIR/logs/error.log.


This variable is automatically enabled in Windows installations.


In case you are using IIS, this variable has to be set and it should be done manually.
Since imperia 9 it is mandatory; if this system.conf Variable isn't set the error messages will be thrown into the HTML header.


Use this variable to set the maximum size in bytes for files when uploading. The specification must be numeric. Attempts to upload files that are larger than this value result in an error message. If this variable is not set, files of unlimited size can be uploaded.

This variable was introduced in imperia 6.5.2.

Example (limit upload to 500 MB):

MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = "524288000"

MIME_TYPES Variable#

With these variables, an alternate path to your MIME type database can be defined. Here, project-specific extensions can be safely updated. Note that in order to remain in force the required types must be enlisted in the original file.


Set the time in seconds that has to elapse for the secret cookie to be renewed.

The default value is 3600.


Mask that generates the secure directory.


This variable contains the absolute path to the document root of your imperia installation. Example: “DOCUMENT-ROOT” = “/usr/httpd/htdocs”.


The directory “imperia” should be located below the base directory for web documents of your web server. For example, “/usr/http/htdocs/imperia”.


The operating system that imperia is installed on. The available values are UNIX and DOS.

The default value is UNIX.


This variable was introduced in imperia 9.


There, you can add the value of an alternative server

SITE-DIR Variable#

This is one of the few configuration variables that are NOT set in /site/config/system.conf, but in /cgi-bin/imperia.conf.

This variable stores the absolute path to the site directory of your installation.


For safety reasons the three directories SITE-DIR, CGI-BIN and DOCUMENT ROOT should be separated. That is, none of these three directories should be located within one another, because in this way, accidental or malicious access by users via the Internet would be made possible.


By setting this variable to an absoluten path to your Perl (e.g. c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe), this will use the indicated Perl.


By default, SSI are not interpreted by the internal Imperia Webserver (which is not intended for the live system). To change that, following line has to be added to the file site/config/system.conf:


This variable enables link checks with HTTP requests.

NOPROXY Variable#

Without proxy.

PROXY_FTP Variable#


PROXY_HTTP Variable#


Live Preview-Gruppe#

You are able to turn on/off the Live Preview and also to configure the responsiveness in system.conf:

System.conf-Variable range of values description
DOCUMENT_EDIT_LIVE_PREVIEW 1 or 0 turn on/off systemwide
DOCUMENT_EDIT_KEYUP_INTERVAL milliseconds time interval between the last keyboard input in the Edit mode and the execution of the preview
DOCUMENT_EDIT_CHANGE_INTERVAL milliseconds Time interval between misc. change in Edit mode and the execution of the preview


This variable enables you to configure the anchor tags in the Live Preview.
Those anchors are used in in order to go directly to the position that has been changed in the EDIT mode.

You can deactivate the display of anchors by setting the value 0 or none.

Also, the default view can be replaced by indicating the path to the *imperia View file (e.g. /layout/components/myanchor.html).
On the level of categories, you can set this setting via the category's variable __imperia_live_preview_anchor_template.
On the level of modules, you have the parameter PREVIEW_ANCHOR.


imperia creates a frame around the preview in order to display the preview in different resolutions.

In order to deactivate the responsive Preview set: NO_RESPONSIVE_PREVIEW = 1

Lock Constants Group#


The system configuration variables in this group are relevant only for MS Windows!

LOCK_EX Variable#

Internal value of the file locking.

The default value is 2.

LOCK_NB Variable#

Internal value of the file locking.

The default value is 4.

Variable LOCK_SH#

Internal value of the file locking.

The default value is 1.

Variable LOCK_UN#

Internal value of the file locking.

The default value is 8.

Look and Feel-Gruppe#

The setting of your imperia system can be changed not only via the GUI, but also with the following variables:



You can change the default theme for your system. This will be the default one for users who haven't set any preferences.

To do so, set the system.conf variable IMPERIA-VIEW to one of the predefined themes:

  • darkred
  • darkgreen
  • darkblue
  • darkviolett


 "IMPERIA_VIEW" = "darkblue"


You can replace imperia logo (which is displayed in the upper left corner) with your own.
The size of the is 227x70 Pixels.

To do so, in the variable IMPERIA_LOGO set the path to your new logo.


"IMPERIA_LOGO" = "/imperia/rebelia.png"`

Alternatively, you can use the variable IMPERIA_LOGIN_LOGO.


You can set a title for your system. Especially, when having different system (e.g. test and develop system) a title can be used to differ between those systems.

Set the variable "IMPERIA-HEADER".



Media Asset Management Group#


By setting 1 this variable forces 8-bit file and directory names upload in a “safe” character set.

If the variable is set, it is no longer possible to create a category whose directory contains NON-ASCII characters.

Furthermore, it is no longer possible to upload an asset to an existing category whose directory contains NON-ASCII characters.


Activate alphanumeric sorting of the category tree in media asset management by setting this variable to 1.


This variable is not valid anymore since imperia 9. It was used for activating the independent publishing of asset which is now enabled in the MAM, see also Enable Independant Assets Publishing, and also in the Document Browser.


Enter the name of system-wide templates for asset categories creation (under site/templates). The information is given without file extension. If this variable is not present, defining the template is done via the category's settings.


This variable enables an additional field in the upload box of an asset template. This field is initialized with the default file name from the asset category. Delete the default and leave the field blank if you want to accept the original file name for the asset.



This variable affects the display of columns in the list view of asset details and the corresponding links in the IconBox view. Note a comma-separated list of column whose display has to be avoided. The system evaluates the list as a regular expression. Here is an example:

"MAM_HIDDEN_FIELDS" = "directory, .*filename" => m/^directory|.*filename$/"
"MAM_HIDDEN_FIELDS" = "directory,template" => m/^directory|template$/"

The following table lists the available column names:

Column name (list view) FeldID
- (Checkbox) __mam_select
Icon __mam_icon
Insert __mam_insertion
Title __mam_title
Filename __mam_filename
Directory *
Filesize __mam_filesize
Details __mam_details
Reference __mam_references
Delete __mam_delete
Created by __mam_createdby
Last Editor __mam_editedby
Created at __mam_createdat
Template *
Dimensions __mam_dimensions
User action __mam_action
User variants __mam_variants
Archive __mam_archive
Re-import __mam_reimport
Change Actions __mam_change
Category __wf_category


The Icon field can only be hidden in the list view. For users with superuser group this has no effect.


This parameter influences the visual quality and file size of JPEG versions of assets. The default value is 85, and the values range from 20 to 100. The higher the value, the better the visual quality, but also the file size is increased.


The MAM_LINKS_STYLE variable sets the appearance of the links in the columns of the list view. The syntax is as follows:

"MAM_LINKS_STYLE" = "[Option]"

These three options are available:

Small icons are displayed in columns.

Text links appear in columns.

Both icons and text appear in columns. This is the default setting.


Giving this variable a value of 1 will hide the linktool buttons in the templates.


The variable MAM_MULTIUPLOAD_OPTIONS sets the options for the multiple upload. The specification of options is in the form of a comma-separated list of numbers.


"MAM_MULTIUPLOAD_OPTIONS" = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"


The performance may decrease noticeably with more than 15 assets. This is only a guideline. Depending on the system conditions, it may happen even sooner.


The multiupload option allows for the creation of multiple assets in one operation. The MAM_MULTIUPLOAD_SIZE variable sets the number of assets that can be uploaded simultaneously.




If this variable is set to 1, all users may import assets in all MAM categories via the /cgi-bin/ script. Information about the script, see in the chapter Importing Assets from a Folder or Zip File .


Use this variable to influence the details of the popup list view. Specify which fields should not be editable by a user. By default, this fields are directory , filename and template .


MAM_READ_ONLY_FIELDS = "width,height"


This variable contains saved filters available for all users. For information on global filters, see the Chapter Defining Global Filters.


If the character set of the operating system is not UTF-8, it must be specified when using the MAM's mass import, so that special characters are correctly implemented in imperia's interface and log files.


This variable is used when importing assets into the MAM from a zip file. You have to set it when the zip archive was generated under Windows®. The variable contains the OEM code page of your system. For example, with German, the variable is set as follows:

"MAM_OEM_CODEPAGE" = "cp850"

Under Windows-based imperia installations, you can set the variable to “auto”. In this way, the system will automatically detect the OEM code pages of your system.


This variable holds the directory that is the source for uploading zip files in the MAM via the /cgi-bin/ script (see also the chapter Importing Assets from a Folder or Zip File).

"MAM_SPOOL_PATH" = "/my_spool"


This variable sets the default thumbnail size. The value has to be numeric and is implemented as width in pixels.


After this variable is set run the to enforce the change.

MAM_MIME_MAP Variable#

Normally svg images are not shown as thumbnails. Use the variable like this, to create a png as thumbnail for the svg:

 MAM_MIME_MAP = 'svg+xml: png'


After including the variable, the asset as to be re-imported.

MAM_UNIQUE Variable#

Set this variable to 1, if all assets and their associated variants have to be stored in subdirectories of the relevant categories in the file system. This can prevent the accidental overwriting of assets with the same file name or identical variants when moving assets.


Set this variable to forbid deletion of referenced assets via the MAM or the document browser.


If this variable is set, file extensions are taken as this and the mime.type is not changed.


To make an image description globally available, set

    "GLOBAL_METAKEYS" = "alt,description,licence"


To have the Alttext displayed, set

    MAM_ADD_USER_FIELDS = "alt:Alternativtext description:Bildunterschrift licence:Lizenzinformation"

Multilanguage Group#

ML_FIX Variable#

If this variable is set, imperia does not try to fix the content of multilingual documents. The affected imperia versions are imperia 9.2.0 and 9.2.1.

ML_AJAX Variable#

Via the AJAX multilang feature you can load addtional languages. This is useful, if you have too many languages to use the normal multilang.

It can be activated via the system variable ML_AJAX.

ML_RANGE Variable#

ML_INDEX Variable#

In order to store the used languages, set for example:

"ML_INDEX" = "de=0, en=1"

It should only be used in the context where multilang-start and multilang-end is used and not in the complete chain of slots,flexes and iblocks. Because otherwise content of those slots, flexes and iblocks cannot be copied via "Multilang copy".

One-Click-Edit Group#


Defines how the One-Click-Edit treats copies of a document system-wide. With the default value, DOCUMENT, OCE adjusts to document-based processing. Set the variable to FILE if you want, for example, to be able to delete copies of a document.


If you wish to change the behavior of the OCE toolbar, see the chapter One-Click-Edit in the programming documentation.

Password Group#


Define a password generator plug-in. In case the variable is not set, the system uses, which generates a 9 characters long password with 3 uppercase, 3 lowercase letters and 3 digits.


Define a comma-separated list of password limitations. Each element of the list is the name of the plug-in, optionally followed by its configuration separated with white space. Example:

PASSWORD_RULES = "digits > 4, whitespace, length < 30, length > 5"

If an element is left without configuration (as “whitespace” in the example above), the default one is used instead:

digits >= 1
whitespace <= 0
uppercase >= 1
lowercase >= 1
punctuation >= 1
length >= 8


Set who has the privileges to reset an expired password. Possible values are user and admin (default).


Set an expiration time for passwords. Default is 30 days. The value for this variable should be in seconds.


If this variable is set, the login mask or the email contain a link for sending a password to a user (or to reset the password).
If PASSWORD_REMINDER is set to expire, the user gets an e-mail with an activation link that expires at 00:00 UTC on the next day.
If the variable is set to password, an auto-generated password is sent to the user.


The SMTP_SERVER variable should contain the name or IP address of the mail server that will be used to transfer your e-mail.

You can find three templates, that you could copy and customize to meet your requirements, in site/view/imperia/default/controllers/roles/user/password_recovery:

  • display.html - here, a user provides a login and e-mail address.

  • submit.html - a confirmation whether the e-mail was sent or not.

  • email.txt - the text of the e-mail.

    !!!note "Please note"
            In case the variable is set to `password`, you have to change the email, i.e. add `{% raw(password) %}` in the body of the email in order to display the password generated by *imperia*. If this is not done, there will be missing links in the email.


This variable relates to the setting Privileges for resetting a users password, where you can Select groups, who can set a new imperia password, without knowing the old one.

In the GUI, you can change this under Menu -> Structure -> General Settings.

PHP Group#

PHP_CLI Variable#

Type the PHP version used. Set this variable to true, if you have the CLI version of the PHP interpreter in use. By default, the system goes from the CGI version.

PHP_PATH Variable#

The variable stores the path to the PHP interpreter.

Publisher Group#


For verbose output when disconnecting set this variable to 1.


If you want to send notifications when publishing set this variable to 1.

This variable was introduced in imperia 7.5.


This variable stored the serialization method that the publisher uses. With “DUMPER” choose the Data::Dumper(3) module, without the storable variable. With any other value, the system searches the plug-in's name in the site/modules/core/Dynamic/Serialize directory of your imperia installation.


Changes to this variable can lead to data loss.

The default value is Storable.


Set this variable if you want to honor a trigger when a document is unpublished from a target system.


Set this variable if you wish to disable warnings when a document hasn't been published on a trigger-protected target system.


This variable is used to defer documents' publishing, when a defined autopublish time is reached on finishing a document. If DEFER_PUBLISH is set, lengthy publishing is left to the Hermes.


If you wish to set deferment on category or document level, use the meta variable __imperia_defer_publish.


__imperia_defer_publish  1


When you delete documents/assets from your development system, imperia send an execution request to all the available target systems, even if the data structures have no record of such object existing on some of those target systems. For this reason the deletion of documents and assets may take a very long time.

If you wish to change this behavior, set the TARGET_DELETE_IF_EXISTS_ONLY variable. In this case, imperia trusts the data structures on the development system and tries to delete documents/assets only from target systems on which they are currently recorded as present.

QR Code Group#


In order to use QR codes in imperia, this variable must be set. The parameter should be the absolute path to the QR code binary tool used on your system.


"QRCODE_BINARY" = "/Users/somebody/imperia/site/qrencode/qrencode"


Make sure that the value of QRCODE_BINARY variable is an absolute path.

Registration Key Group#


These variables should not be set by “hand”. When entering the system key, those values ​​are required.

REG_DEMO Variable#

This variable stores the demo registration key.

REG_KEY Variable#

This variable store imperia's registration key.

REG_NAME Variable#

This variable store imperia's registration name.

Reparse Group#


Choose one of the following objectives for documents that are reparsed: “live”, “workflow” or “pending”. This setting can be changed by users. By default, the option is enabled.


Choose one of the following objectives for documents that are reparsed: “live”, “workflow” or “pending”. This setting cannot be changed by users.


With these variables, you can determine which source fields are pre-selected. The choices are “live” and “pending” (for multiple selection use comma). If the value is an empty string “”, no values are pre-selected. This setting can be changed by users. By default the option is enabled.


With this variable select the source. The choices are “live” and/or “pending” (for multiple selection use comma). If the value is an empty string “”, no values are pre-selected. This setting cannot be modified by users.

Server Group#


Sets the system-wide prefix. Default is /imp.


This variable prevents system services from being accessed and produced via the Web. This makes sense if the generated homepages are partially protected via .htaccess or if the parameters are passed to SiteActives and the only allowed parameters are the ones specified in imperia.schedule.

By default, the variable is NOT set.


In order to avoid an overload of the memory by SiteActives, set following:


SiteActives might run slower then.

SiteActive Group#


Enter a password in order to be able to use “SAVEPAGE” in via CGI.

SCHEDULE Variable#

Enter a colon-separated list of additional schedule files.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.


Set this variable to 1, if you want to execute schedule files if no document is published.

Template Group#


Set this variable to 1 to allow forms in HTML templates.


Set this variable to 1 to allow frames in HTML templates.


Set this variable to 1 to allow scripting in HTML templates.

Use this variable to determine which links are displayed in the Media Database call. Possible values ​​are “mam”, “upload”, “remove”, “actions”, or any combination of them in a coma-separated list.

The default is mam, upload.


Set this variable to 1 so that external Perl code (for example, in flex modules) is executed in a safe(3) environment.


Set this variable to 1 to enable the processing of the EWE Word Processor module in templates.


Use this variable to display the imperia menu in edit-mode after including the imperia header in your template. How to include the imperia header is descriped in chapter Displaying the Document Progress in the programmer documentation.

Template Processor Group#


Describes the system-wide order of the modules used by the template processor. Remove unnecessary modules from the chain in order to increase the performance of your system.


Removing absolutely necessary modules or changing the default order can lead to unexpected results when processing a template.

If you want to use the MultiLang functions implemented in imperia, you must define a modified template chain. Insert the MultiLang module after the first “Code Include” and before “Flex” in the process chain and the MultilangFinish module at the end.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.


The meta-variable __imperia_template_chain is the category-wide equivalent of this configuration variable.


Set this variable if you want the Edit plug-in to ignore cgi parameters not set in a template. The field names are taken from the html, generated by the Edit plug-in during Edit mode. If this variable is set, any further actions as adding, removing, etc. of Flex modules, Slots, imperia blocks, Array blocks, etc. will be tracked.


The __imperia_no_field_name_checking parameter has to be false in both a document's and a category's meta data for the FIELD_NAME_CHECKING to work properly.


Since fields added to a template through JavaScript are not directly handled by the Edit plug-in, they will not be part of the generated html or perl during Edit mode. In this case, a template developer should “sign” them in a template. Signatures are done as follows:

User Management Settings Group#


Set the data management plug-in for user management. Possible values are FileStore or LDAP.

The default value is FileStore.

SORT_ROLES Variable#

Set this variable to IDs to sort roles by their IDs.


Set the user plug-in.

The default value is FilestoreLight.


Add additional user attributes. The value should be a comma-separated list of the new attributes, with no white spaces. Example:

USER_PROP_FIELDS = "field1,field2,..."


Please note that the newly added attributes do not automatically appear in You have to assign values to them (use

LDAP_DEBUG Variable#

To receive more information on the login process, you have to set the environment variable:



Both defaulting to FALSE.

Deleting a user or group leaves a gap in the sequence of IDs. That can be problematic under some circumstances. Therefore, the system variables RECYCLE_UIDS and RECYCLE_GIDS should control the behavior of imperia.

Activating recycling may imply other problems though:

* when you recycle GIDs, old ACLs may unintentionally allow certain things for gropus that receive a recycled GID.</br>Example: GID -27 used to be assigned to the group "admin". At one point the group admin gets deleted, and a new group "guest" is created which accidentally receives the group id -27. The new group "guest" will now inherit permissions from the ex-admin group.

* When you recycle UIDs, old history entries will now show the new user name instead of "deleted user" or so.


  • Before using a role id (recycled or not) check that it is not used in the file system.

  • When calculating the next id only take ids of local users/groups into account
  • Protect the role creation against concurrrency, that is try to make the calculation of the next id more or less atomic

Workflow Group#


If this variable is set to 1, each workflow step must be confirmed.


If this variable is set to 1, documents that are in the approval step, no longer can be placed in previous workflow steps.

This variable was introduced in imperia 8.